The end point of the manosphere is homosexuality

The manosphere is one of the greatest modern intelectual blights in this world. It would be funny if they had no sway inreal lifehe world at large. But their tragedy is that, in having a problem they actively avoid the solution, and as such are condemend to forever be burdened by their troubles.

Some say a crisis of masculinity is the source and that may have some truth inside. Larval incels wants “to be more of a man” and asks himself “What is masculinity?”. So they define masculinity “by everything a woman is not”. A good first step in a purely theoretical way, trying to define a thing by listing the opposites.

But they soon discover that there is actually quite little a man can do that a woman can’t: women can be brave or cowardly, doctors or forest guards,be gay or straight and many other things. So instead of revising their base assumptions, they attempt to curtail what women can do be defining completely arbitrary limits to their activities: “a woman is a mother”, “a woman is submissive”, and so on… Well, arbitrary is not the correct word: their definitions never give power to women, only take it from them.

The fun part is that does not stop there: feminine activities like cleaning and sewing must also be rejected. Beauty concerns are seen as feminine so they are rejected as well. CLothes, music, books are next. Everything with a slight whiff of feminity must be evicted form their life.

This eventually culminates in a partial rejection of women: sure a man craves a female body, but just the body. He does not speak with a woman, he does not thrust a woman, he does not work together with a woman. He must dominate and dispose of women. Only another man can be a companion and only those as manly and burly as they are. A woman betrays, a man undestands. A bro will always be there for you.

And finally the last stage of the infection, yet unseen, is the complete rejection of women in their entirety: women become such a danger to the ideology, one must be gay so even their desire is destroyed. Become such a man that only another man can be worhty of them. In the tight and voluminous embrace of masculinity, there is only space for another manly man.

I finally understand why incels and male supremacists hate gays: they are their final form and their eyes are filled with envy at such power.

an example is alt rightist and manosphere/red pill proponent Jack Donovan(who is homosexual)

 Lyons has written that “Donovan’s male tribalism resonates strongly with themes found in classical fascism… of violent male camaraderie at odds with ‘bourgeois’ family life, glorification of the masculine body, exclusion of women, and sometimes even homoeroticism”.[6]: 247

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