Terrorist Authority Prioritizes Pay for Terrorists over Employees

  • Since 2019, PA refuses to pay full salaries to employees, but it continues to pay $350 million a year in Pay-for-Slay terror rewards

2019 – PA Ministry of Finance:

  • “The March [2019] allowance salaries of the prisoners… will be paid in full tomorrow, in accordance with the orders of President Mahmoud Abbas… [but] the public employees’ salaries will be paid at a rate of 50%”

2024 – PA Ministry of Finance:

  • “The April [2024] salaries of the [PA] public employees will be paid on Sunday [June 9], at a rate of 50%”

Columnist at PA daily:

  • “The PA will not [stop paying salaries to prisoners]… because if it had done so, it would have admitted that these people are terrorists, as Israel claims”
  • “The [PA] employees have received only half of the monthly salary [since 2019]. In other words, with the passage of more than five years, this [PA] employee is defined as one of the poor of society.”

Al-Marsad – Social and Economic Policies Monitor:

  • “The [PA] Monetary Authority is forcing the [PA] public sector employees to take loans to cover its loans”

It is hard to imagine how unpredictable life must be for Palestinian Authority employees and their families because the PA prioritizes the rewarding of terrorists rather than the payment of salaries to its working civil servants. According to the PA’s official daily, PA employees are poverty-stricken:


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